About Us
We are a High Adventure Scouting Crew. Our mission is to help youth both males and females between the ages of 14-21 develop leadership skills through outdoor adventures that they plan, fund and lead. Our group is run by these young adults. They decide on our activities, how we will fund raise, serve our community and work towards advancements. We have lots of fun in the process. The scope of our program is only limited by our youth's vision and willingness to earn their way.
Come join us on our next adventure.
We plan our Adventures on the 1st and 3rd Sundays each month from 7pm - 8:30pm.
We meet at Alliance United Methodist Church in NE Fort Worth - 7904 Park Vista Dr.
If you have any questions or are interested in joining us - feel free to text or call us at 682-235-2740
Previous Adventures have included:
- Canoe Race
- Western Escape Room
- Scottish Highland Games Camp Out
- Shooting Camp Out - handguns and rifles
- Winter Camp Out - Palo Duro Canyon